Saturday 6 July 2013

intelligent genes
Heritability of IQ
Intelligence is of primary interest to human genetic research. The first methodical set of experimental observations can be traced back to Galton’s work in 1865, a year before Mendel’s influential article on the laws of heredity. Galton estimated the transmission of several traits in families using statistical tools. He concluded that many traits including mental ability are genetically transmitted and normally distributed in the general population. He did not analyze the role of the common environment within the families, biasing his conclusions towards the genetic. He did, however, realize significant general principles such as regression to the mean in children of parents with extreme phenotypic traits.
It's all in the genes: A new study shows that up to 40 per cent of a child's intelligence is passed down from the parents.

Big Brain and Intelligence Linked to particular Genes

Brain size and smarts are, to a certain degree, genetic.

scientists have indicated that bigger brain is "smarter,". this study is considered the strongest state  for a genetic connection to brain size and to IQ. but brain size is not 100 % related to a person's intelligence, and other factors, including connections between brain cells and even a person's experiences, play roles.

 "We found fairly unequivocal proof supporting a genetic link to brain function and intelligence. For the first time, we have watertight evidence of how these genes affect the brain," said lead researcher Paul Thompson, a neurologist at the University of California.

 Another prominent genetic sequence, located within the HMGA2 gene on chromosome 12, was linked with intracranial volume. in other words, the space inside your skull that marks the outer limit as to how big your brain can get. At this spot, every C-allele variant was linked to not only lower intracranial volume, but also to lower IQ scores on the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery, a measure of intelligence.

"This is a really exciting discovery: that a single letter change leads to a bigger brain," said Thompson.

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